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Improved search + bugfixes

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npm install --global @sanity/cli

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sanity upgrade

✨ Highlights

Improved search 🕵️

  • Adds support for filtering search results by any number of document types. You can also browse documents from any number of types without entering a search query.
  • Search is now toggleable with a hotkey (Command/Control-K) and fully navigable by keyboard.
  • Recent searches (including selected document types) are stored for later use
  • Search terms and results are retained upon close: handy if you want to quickly revisit or amend your last search
  • Improves performance when rendering and scrolling through large result sets
  • The search dialog is wider, giving you more space for the search result listing

NOTE: Documents listed in search results will no longer resolve custom components for block content and array views

Documentation affected by this release

Published August 24, 2022