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Parameterized templates for Presentation, System documents support in CLI import command ++

Installation and upgrading

To initiate a new Studio without installing the CLI globally:

npm create sanity@latest

To upgrade a v3 Studio, run this command in its folder:

npm install sanity@latest

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Fixes an issue where the alert messages for published or deleted documents sometimes displayed incorrect titles
  • Fixes a comments-related error dialog from inadvertently showing up to users
  • Removes layout shift when loading document locations when the Presentation tool is used (#5702)
  • Fixes a bug that hid unpublished documents in "Documents on this page" in the Presentation tool (#5702)
  • Fixes a bug that caused the document pane to stay open in the Presentation tool (#5702)

Other features

  • Adds support for importing system documents via --allow-system-documents for dataset imports
  • Adds support for parameterized templates in the Presentation tool (#5694)

Documentation affected by this release

Published February 13, 2024