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Sanity Studio Update: Comment Improvements, new features, and bug fixes

Installation and upgrading

To initiate a new Studio without installing the CLI globally:

npm create sanity@latest

To upgrade a v3 Studio, run this command in its folder:

npm install sanity@latest

✨ Highlights

Improvements to Comments in Presentation

With the recent introduction of both Presentation tool and comments, we realised that context can be crucial in understanding comments relating to visual aspects of an application.

Comments created from within the Presentation tool will now display a link allowing content editors to navigate from any tool directly to the context in which that comment was made in their application.

Other features

  • Improves error handling for a migration script that attempts to iterate over the passed document function without calling it
  • Adds new Studio API, ActiveToolLayout, which allows plugin authors to have more flexibility by wrapping the active tool
  • The selected viewport in Presentation is now persisted in the URL

🐛 Notable bugfixes

  • Improves focus handling with the Presentation tool and Portable Text Inputs
  • Fixes regression preventing import {debugSecrets} from '@sanity/preview-url-secret/sanity-plugin-debug-secrets' listing secrets
  • Fixes a bug preventing the CLI being used inside Studio project subdirectories

Documentation affected by this release

Published February 20, 2024